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Get On The Boat!

We are living in crazy times right now that can certainly be scary at times.  But God has told us in His Word (the Bible) that these things must come to pass so that He can come get us and take us home to Heaven.  God doesn't delight in the pain and suffering that is happening all around us right now.  In fact, I imagine it makes Him very sorrowful.  But He has a plan, and He tells us ahead of time what is going to happen and how to survive the fallout.  Even at the beginning when God told Adam and Eve what would happen if they ate of the fruit from the forbidden tree, He was entreating them to choose Him.  His warning of what would happen if they ate was a plea to stay in relationship with Him.

Just like in the days of yore when He told Noah to build the Ark, He had a plan for the redemption of the planet.  For 120 years He warned of the upcoming disaster, but provided the answer to salvation.  It was a simple thing - to believe and to act on that belief.  He warned, and then He pled with them to get on the boat.

He is warning us today, but of course He provides a way to survive.  He is pleading with us to choose Him, to accept Jesus' sacrifice for us.  And with Him, we can rest assured that He is capable of seeing us through to the other side of Glory.  Time may be running out for our planet, but God is not running out on us.  Instead, He is encouraging us to "get on the boat" and He will keep us safe while the storm rages around us.  The only way we can be safe is to believe in His love for us, choose to love Him back, and trust that He is able to see us through.

Won't you answer His call today?  Won't you join Him on His boat?  He is earnestly waiting for you today!