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2020 Reflections

2020 was an interesting year, with much turmoil, angst, fear - almost all of the negative emotions we could handle.  Our country went from a very prosperous low unemployment rate to literally the shut down of our entire nation and its economy.  Many people have died of COVID 19, while many more have been ill but recovered. 

For a short while, the nation came together to do their part in slowing down the spread of the disease, but as the shutdown raged on, people began to feel that shutting down was not the correct thing to do.  Some people have chosen to mask up to try to prevent the spread of the disease, while others have chosen to not mask up, hoping to get herd immunity.  We were told that our children could not get the disease, then found out they could.  Schools have been shut down and distance learning has become the norm for a year now.  People are angry and are acting out.  On the surface, it has been a long, hard year.

But there have been positives.  Churches, among other groups, figured out how to continue to have church worship via "remote" services, which allowed them to still have services while protecting the elderly and at risk people from gatherings that might be life threatening for them.  Parents were able to stay at home with their children while they worked from home.  Families spent more time together, had family meals, and were seen out and about together for family walks or bike rides.  The environmental haze from so many vehicles cleared and our skies were incredibly blue.  We slowed down from the fast pace of living and enjoyed a slower pace for awhile.   

There has been an awareness of "end times" or "armageddon" in a lot of peoples' minds.  People are asking questions about Jesus' return to earth to take His people home.  While there are differing ideas on what that looks like, it has given Christians world wide an opportunity to tell others about the loving God that we know.  And it's given us the opportunity to rely on God more and learn to trust Him more as we face the storms that have bombarded us this past year.  I have learned that I can be at peace amid the chaos because I know that none of this surprises God.  He knows the end from the beginning, and He has the perfect plan to navigate the signs of the times.  I've read the Book.  I know how the story ends.  And it's a beautiful ending.  Won't you seek the Heavenly peace that God can bring?  Talk to God about your fears.  He is anxious to put your fears to rest.